When: Monday, April 17 - Sunday, April 23, 2023
Time: 5:45 am - 6:30 am (each day)
Where: Sun and Moon Yoga Studio or Online

Spring is a great time for a reset. Refine habits and get back into your YOGA groove. Start each day connecting with your soul for greater clarity and focus. If you have been feeling stuck, out of balance, or if you simply want to foster healthier habits together, this challenge is for YOU. Maryann Beckman-Berman, opened Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation during the world-wide lock down. She returns to Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Park Ridge, Illinois April 17-23 to share more of Ayurveda, yoga's sister-science for a week long challenge this Spring season.
This challenge is not about the poses but an opportunity to align your rhythms with the natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and solar system. To be “close to the day” - to merge your cycles is considered to be a stronger healing force than any other curative medicine. In Ayurveda this is known as Dinacharya. Din = day. Charya = to follow close to. Dinacharya establishes healthful habits through attunement of the body to the natural cycles of the day. By establishing routines that follow these elemental energies, you are able to more easily support the body’s natural rhythms and healing potential.
When your lifestyle is not supporting you, everything can seem like an uphill battle and naturally leads to insomnia, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, depression and more. Have you ever said someday, I’ll wake up earlier, I’ll go to bed earlier, I’ll start my day nurturing myself before serving others? If so, now’s a great time to initiate the change you wish to see in your world or perhaps encourage that special someone in your life to take charge of his or her health as well.
The ideal time for a yogi to awaken is at 4am and for others before the sunrise. Those with vata (space/air) predominant constitutions need the most sleep and can wake just before sunrise. Those with pitta (fire/water) predominant constitutions can wake 30 minutes prior and kapha (water/earth) constitutions an hour before sunrise as they need the least amount of sleep. It is important to go to bed before 10pm so your body can properly repair and rejuvenate during the pitta hours of 10pm to 2am for ideal health.
Daily yoga practice consists of sun salutations with mantras, gentle stretching, chakra balancing, pranayama (breathing exercises) and heart meditation. It is appropriate for all levels and can be done on a mat (or a chair) at Sun and Moon Yoga Studio or online with Zoom in the comfort of your own home. If you have any questions call/text Maryann at (224) 735-0179. Register Online by clicking the link or at https://sunandmoonpr.com/workshops-special-events/
Cost: $108*
*Participation all 7 days is not required. You are welcome to join the challenge for as many days as your schedule permits. There is no prorated registration fee or refund if you are unable to participate all 7 days.